You spend a lot of money on advertising, but do consumers remember your brand once they leave home?
Point-of-purchase (POP) marketing extends the sales process from online, print, and commercial ads into retail stores. It stands ready during the crucial “moment of truth,” capturing attention as consumers contemplate which product to choose.
Unfortunately, engaging shoppers with a creative display is not enough. You need to persuade them to buy. Here are some POP display best practices to help you win the sale.
1 – Highlight your value proposition.
Will your product make life easier? More exciting? More fulfilling? Use your display to point out key features so shoppers can visualize how your product will benefit them.

2 – Create an emotional connection.
People like to support companies that stand for something. What makes your brand different? Keep in mind sometimes that differentiator isn’t WHAT you do, but HOW you do it.
Getting to know your customers is a great way to identify and nurture an emotional connection to trigger the sale and build brand loyalty.
3 – Physically interact with consumers.
The more senses you engage, the more likely shoppers will interact with your display. We can add just about anything to a display, including lights, sound, and interactive video. Can’t exhibit a demo model? Consider adding a looping video to show off your product’s functionality.

4 – Choose the right materials.
Displays can be made of many different materials, including wood, plastic, metal, and fabric, in any combination. When choosing materials for your display, consider the image you wish to convey. What represents your product? What will attract your target audience?
Of course, you also need to consider your budget.
5 – Keep your display fresh.
To compete in a store environment, you must stay relevant with fresh designs and updated displays. At Inesco, we offer an innovative retrofit service. Instead of creating a new display for each campaign, we can facelift your current display with updated graphics and new parts for a fraction of the cost.
We always design new displays with a future retrofit in mind.

Maximize Your In-Store POP Display
To make the most of your point-of-purchase investment, you need a good understanding of display economics, great design, and solid execution. You must also consider the retailer’s merchandising and display requirements, including type, size, and placement, and ease of assembly.
Sound overwhelming? Let the experts at Inseco help. We have created over 100,000 displays, and we know what works. Give us a call for a free consultation.